Balancing work and home time
The challenges of working life for parents
Which of the following challenges have you experienced in your work ?
36 % 29 % 23 %
Working more hours than I would like
Time spent travelling for work
Uncertainty of income
21 %
Unpredictability of working days / hours
19 %
Seeing a negative impact on my future career prospects as a result of working part time
13 %
A request for flexible working being refused
11 %
Working fewer hours than I would like
Sample : 5,490 parents in England ( 3,012 ), Scotland ( 1,313 ), Wales ( 862 ) and Northern Ireland ( 303 ) who have at least one child aged 4-18 in school Base : all respondents working full or part time ( 4,596 )
As a single parent , it ’ s trying to balance earning a living , household chores and time with my children . There aren ’ t enough hours in the day .
- Parent response