Balancing work and home time
Changing jobs or hours for family reasons
Have you ever reduced your hours at work or changed jobs to spend more time with your children ?
27 % |
28 % |
25 % |
I have considered it but haven ’ t changed my job |
I have changed my job |
I have considered it but haven ’ t reduced my hours |
I have reduced my hours |
Sample : 5,490 parents in England ( 3,012 ), Scotland ( 1,313 ), Wales ( 862 ) and Northern Ireland ( 303 ) who have at least one child aged 4-18 in school Base : all respondents working full or part time ( 4,596 )
Working parents were asked whether or not they consider their employer as parent friendly . 34 % of parents described their employer as very parent friendly , and 43 % as somewhat parent friendly . 15 % said their employer is not parent friendly . When asked whether , aside from pay , there was anything more their employer could do to help them as a parent , the most frequent response was flexible working hours , followed by working from home options , a compressed working week , childcare support , understanding and empathy from their organisation , and improved leave policies . Health and insurance benefits , improved job security , career progression and workload management , and increased flexibility during the school holidays were also mentioned .
One in seven parents told us their workplace is not parent friendly