The National Parent Survey 2024 | Page 16

What parents told us

One in three parents don ’ t spend as much time as they would like to helping with school work

Less than a third of parents have time for their hobbies

Fewer than four in ten parents think society values their role as a parent

38 % of primary school children spend at least three hours a day on a digital device

More than a third of parents say their child is missing out on sleep because they spend too much time on screens

On a typical weekday ,

1.5 million children spend more time on phones and screens than they do at school

Homework is a cause of arguments for

4 million parents and their children

1.6 million children feel unsafe at school

Half of secondary schools don ’ t give parents enough information on supporting their child ’ s learning at home

37 % of primary school parents with a child eligible for FSM using a breakfast club say it helps their child to learn

1.5 million parents are unhappy with the education their child receives

One in ten primary school parents would like to use a breakfast club but can ’ t access one

6 million parents would consider their child missing school for a holiday

One in five children have refused to go to school in the last year , despite their parent thinking they should go